My Name is Janez Janša

My name is Janez Janša: Dir. Janez Jansa. (Slovenia) Doc / Drama

Hello My Name is: Janez Janša
Hello my name is Janez Janša

My Name is Janez Janša. Dir. Janez Jansa. (Slovenia) (68 min) (North American Premier) In 2007 three artists joined the conservative Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and officially changed their names to that of the leader of that party, the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. While they renamed themselves for personal reasons, the boundaries between their lives and their art began to merge in numerous and unforeseen ways. Signified as an artistic gesture, this particular name change provoked a wide range of interpretations in art circles both in Slovenia and abroad, as well as among journalists and the general public. ‘My name is Janez Janša’ is the film that inspires you to Google your name again.

Title: My name is: Janez Janša Venue: PafA
Director: Janez Janša Date:  June 27th
Genre: Doc / Drama Show Time:  8:45pm
 TRT: 68 min Directions: Venue Directions
 Country: Slovenia Tickets Purchase Tickets

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