Original Scene Card - Putney Swope

Putney Swope (1969): Robert Downey Sr. Dark Satire

Original Scene Card - Putney Swope
Original Scene Card – Putney Swope

Putney Swope, the only black man on the executive board of an advertising firm, is accidentally put in charge after the unexpected death of the chairman of the board: each board member actually believed that he, himself, should be elected chairman, but the bylaws of the corporation prohibit voting for oneself, so each individual member voted his secret ballot for the person that no one else would vote for: Putney Swope.

Renaming the business “Truth and Soul, Inc.”, Swope replaces all but one of the white employees and insists they no longer accept business from companies that produce alcohol, war toys, or tobacco. The success of the business draws unwanted attention from the United States government, which considers it “a threat to the national security.”

Title: Putney Swope  Venue: PafA
Director: Robert Downey Sr.  Date: June 26th
Genre: Dark Satire  Show Time: 7:00 pm
TRT: 85 min  Directions: Venue Directions
Country:  (US) Tickets: Purchase Tickets

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