Emerging Artists Series II – Voiceless (Drama) 95 min. Director: Pat Necerato @UArts Levitt Theater.

Filmmaker_Badge_voicelessVideomakerMagA Directors premier from the streets of North East Philadelphia. First time director Pat Necerato has produced a true piece of cinematic propaganda that slices through tough narrative.  Coming forward is a street preachers perspective of the national debate on women’s reproductive rights.

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Synopsis: A young, reserved, war veteran (Rusty Joiner as Jesse), moves to North East Philadelphia to start an inner city community outreach and puts his life on the line to stand against an abortion clinic that moved across the street from his building.

The Philadelphia and LA based cast includes roles by Christopher Mann (Officer Kelley), Brian Anthony Wilson (Will Taylor), Victoria Gates (Alexis), and Kenneth McGregor (Travis) with great independent performance’s by LA / Atlanta based Rusty Joiner, James Russo as the way to convincing Pastor Gil and a truly tragic role played by Jocelyn Cruz as Julia. The very important soundscape composed by Swiss Producer Kurt Oldman is scary. It’s no wonder when you look at his IMDB credits. Producer Chris Cates and Pat Necerato have crafted a film that uses the tools to expose the drama that is this subject while not appearing jaded by perspective (using a composer that has as many credits making vampire or monster movie soundtracks for example). Above all, this first time filmmaker has made a film that plays like a true drama.

Join us and the underground film forum #uff for the premier and discussion that follows. Cast and crew will be in attendance. The screening begins at 8pm and the filmmakers lounge is open at 7pm. We hope to see you there.

Purchase Voiceless screening tickets.

For further information see the listing on the festival Facebook page.

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