Hello piffFilms, looking forward to fest #11 we are. hmmm. Star Wars has us geeked (sorry consensus around here is that we liked the movie) but the daily intake of submissions has us even more geeked. Really. We are up to 34 different countries who have submitted and are looking really strong in features in the Drama / SciFi / Horror / Documentary genres. OK, so that’s about all of our genres but like we said, submissions are up again (6th year in a row) and we are proud of this for certain.
What’s in store? VR. We are looking to add to our discussion track by adding a VR demo and roundtable (you know our roundtables last a few days correct?) and so far so good. We’ll have more in the coming month.
We are still working on the ROKU channel but we can report that we have finalized the genres and profiles. We have also completed our VOD agreement. If you would like to become a BETA tester of our channel – let us know by Tweeting at us @PhilaIndie.
We will have quality PRS Guitars instruments to give away this year. THANK YOU to Chuck Treece and PRS Guitars.
Questions? Ask them!
See you May 2-5, 2018!
Thank you, The Festival Team