Mischief night … #Psyhor —-> Habitual (Horror) screenings / meet & greet with Director Johnny Hickey. Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 7:00 & 10:00 PM. Tickets: https://bit.ly/HabitualHorror #piff#pifffilms#uff#phillyfilm#filminpa@thejohnnyhickey #elixirlounge
A decrepit asylum built to keep insanity captive, separates ravers into a spiral of horrifying paradoxes and splicing nightmares.

Ravers on a mission and an insane mental patient take a hell bent trip to an underground rave”The Habit”, being held at an abandon lunatic asylum in Salem, Massachusetts. The groups plan drastically morphs into chaotic hallucinations of the rave being buried deeper and deeper within a mind bending structure of massive abandonment. Decrepit walls and stairwells built many years ago to keep insanity captive, separate the group into a spiral of horrifying paradoxes, splicing nightmares into reality. In the end, one persons insanity is the others reality.