Well we said it would happen and here we are! Travel over to the ALGORAND Blockchain and let’s get busy with the Filmmakers Lounge PIFF coin. PIFF has long been the innovator in the city of Philadelphia for film festivals, so they tell us. 😉 Over the years we have used unique venues, been the first to use live Streaming (our own), Social Media live tools (Periscope), the first to offer streaming to our filmmakers (Darkroom.film) connected Technology and Filmmaking and how it alters the story (good and bad) and more. Ultimately our festival has straddled the world of digital filmmaking and film as an art that is only now being discovered.
The new Filmmakers Lounge PIFF coin is designed to bridge the gaps between Real Time funding and global storytelling. We see this coin as a generator of stories and jobs. We see it as a path to discuss the tomorrow, today. No rug pulls, no bailing, we’re in it for the art. Who’s with us? Head over and connect your crypto wallet. Times are getting interesting here in the 215. We’re here for it.
~ ed