Volunteer For The Philadelphia Independent Film Festival

Our volunteers come from all over the world, ranging from students to retirees. We provide a positive and friendly environment for people who support film and want to help create exciting events that celebrate cinema. That being said, it’s pretty hectic, low or no pay, and often overwhelming. But is it worth it? You bet!

Qualified volunteers enjoy working with the public, understand the importance of being reliable, and have a love for film and the City of Philadelphia. You are also able to discuss the tokenization (democratization of content) of film – or at least willing to try. Full access festival passes will be available to all volunteers and a friend. We are an independent film festival. This is not Cannes (yet). What can you bring to the discussion?

If you would like to join our team, please provide us a phone number, email, tell us what you want to get out of this, and when you are available, to get registered. We will review your application once it has been submitted and contact you with volunteer opportunities that match your requests. Volunteers will be required to attend an orientation session on May 7th-10th, 2025. You can come on both days or just one. The orientation lasts for no more than 1 hour!

We are a dedicated group working to bring global Independent film to the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding film communities. We hope you join us!

Please email your application information with Volunteer for PhilaIndie in the header to: info @ pifffilms.tv

Thank you!

Philadelphia Independent Film Festival All rights reserved

Content © 1997-2025 ~ Philadelphia Independent Film Festival. PIFF Films. Media Bureau, inc

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