1.Continue to bring a global storytelling community together with a common goal to Tokenize Independent film and its broader ecosystem while enabling the creation of films, script to screen.
2. Begin the process of Tokenizing original ideas, scripts, films, and stock footage utilizing the Algorand blockchain.
3. Raise capital for a global independent filmmakers fund including investment in film ecosystems that push the boundaries of local business models.
As a group that has been mentoring and meeting for many years, PIFF coin will include regular and irregular interfaces with community members. Our goal is to establish a decentralized film festival.
The Filmmakers Lounge PIFF Coin. The answer to the Democratization of Storytelling in the age of AI. What began as a live Periscope chat during Philly Tech Week is now an annual, at times live, tech week and PIFF event. PIFF coin brings together film and technology and discusses the new ideas that are the result.
We needed to work with a blockchain that was symbiotic with our tech and film based community goals. We wanted a secure and scaleable blockchain that is as fast as it gets while providing a low cost fee environment. Tokenizing the film community on Algorand enables all the possibilities that independent creatives need to focus on their art.
More: Algorand Foundation