filmmaker's Lounge PIFF COIN is here!
Get the 1st film festival Crypto aNd support independent storytellers!

What is Filmmaker’s Lounge PIFF Cryptocurrency? 

Why Filmmakers lounge PIFF coin? 

Independence on Demand. 

1.Continue to bring a global storytelling community together with a common goal to Tokenize Independent film and its broader ecosystem.

2. Begin the process of Tokenizing original ideas, scripts, films, and stock footage utilizing the Algorand blockchain. 

3. Raise capital for a filmmakers fund including investment in film ecosystems.

This operating capital includes the investment of tokenizing films. 

The primary focus and final goal of phase 1 is initial phase Filmmaker lounge PIFF coin will establish a The ecosystem will expand. This will include regular and irregular interfaces with community members. What will be the goal of this? Right now is to provide and be provided information and research as to the best value proposition for the coin itself. Algard is the Blockchain of choice

Democratize Content!Democratization

The Filmmakers Lounge PIFF Coin. The answer to the Democratization of Storytelling in the age of AI. What began as a live Periscope feed chat during Philly Tech Week is now an annual, at times live, tech week event and PIFF event.  PIFF coin brings together film and technology.


duh. lol

SUPPORT the Revolution.

Get PIFF Coin here! 

Philadelphia Independent Film Festival All rights reserved

Content © 1997-2025 ~ Philadelphia Independent Film Festival. PIFF Films. Media Bureau, inc

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