Phjiladelphia Independent Film Festival

2016 Festival Schedule and Ticket links posted.

Welcome to 2016.

We have posted the schedule to social media and the website as you may know by now. We had to wait until the last minute to post! We contacted many of you individually during this time. We could not get to everybody. We started letting people know as early as last Monday but started to pick up in earnest on Wednesday. Schedules are posted on all platforms. We will comment on this process after the festival in our Film Festival Platform White Paper we are researching. Thanks for the ongoing input.

Here is the link  to Download the Schedule in .pdf

Here is the link to the Festival 2016 Screening Schedule on the festival website.

You can order tickets directly on both schedules.

We are yet again in awe of what the state of Independent filmmaking is in. It’s fresh, innovating, and certainly nothing like you ever imagine. Time and time again we are pushed to limits by new filmmakers that opens us to a world of many complex possibilities. We are proud to be part of this global movement in visual and oral story telling. Thank you. We hope you enjoy the programming. We’re sure you’ll let us know. 😉

Sign up to the festival mailing list and we will send you a downloadable copy to pass on…

Thank you again.

The 2016 Festival team

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