View the 2017 #piffFilms screening schedule.

We are proud to post the 10th annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival screening schedule! Below is a downloadable .pdf version of the schedule. Philadelphia Independent Film Festival 10 Screening Program 2017LINKS_IMAGES. You can also download the cover art here: Festival 10 Screening Program COVER ART. Thank you for your support.

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We have curated a selection of Drama, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Documentary, Experimental, Animations, Music Videos and more. We received films from over 35 countries. We have talked film for the past 12 months with first time filmmakers from around the globe. We laughed and we cried. We were scared! What we have learned is that storytelling is alive and well and new ideas and innovation are all around us. What lacks is a setting for films to be seen and discussed.  The art is flourishing in countries

such as Iran, Syria, Israel, China, Japan, USA, Canada, England, Spain, Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, Australia, Poland, Egypt, turkey, and so many more. The goal? Get out and interface with Independent images and ideas. Curate films from diverse backgrounds that are in most cases are discovered by us. As independent filmmakers ourselves, we often say the best part of producing a film festival is the period when you curate the program. Again, we concur. We know we get to witness years of hard work put into our hands to “judge” and discuss. We want to thank you all for believing in us for the past 10 years to do just that. We are proud to screen with you.

Thank you.

We’ll see you in the theater,

The Festival Team 2017.

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